Best Free Video Lectures for GATE Chemistry Preparation

Are you looking for the best video lectures to prepare for the GATE Chemistry exam? Then this post is perfect for you. In this post, you will get complete Video lectures for GATE Chemistry Preparation.

With the right preparation, you can ace your GATE Chemistry exam. To get started, There are numerous Youtube Channels offering free Video lectures for GATE Chemistry, but it can still be difficult to sift through each one to find the best quality material.

Furthermore, some topics may require more in-depth knowledge, so even if you find a lecture covering them, you may not be able to understand them without further study or guidance. To help you we are listing here all the Video Lectures for GATE Chemistry .  These lectures have been created by experienced professors and professionals who have years of expertise in the field. Not only will they explain concepts in detail but they also offer helpful tips and tricks to ace the exam.

Moreover, these video lectures are completely Free, available on Youtube, and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. So why wait? Get started on your GATE Exam journey to success with these Top Notch video lectures today!

GATE Chem Video Lectures

Free Video Lectures for GATE Chemistry(Full Syllabus Covered)

Looking for free video lectures on GATE Chemistry? You’re in the right place! In this section, we’ve gathered some of the best quality videos from top teachers in the field. From general topics like Aptitude to organic, inorganic, and Physical chemistry you’ll find everything you need to help succeed on your GATE exams. So be sure to check it out!

Download GATE Chemistry 2023 Question Paper PDF

General Aptitude For GATE Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Lectures for GATE(All Topics)

1.General Organic Chemistry

2. Stereochemistry

3. Reagents

4. Pericyclic Reactions

5. Organic Photochemistry

Inorganic Chemistry Lectures for GATE(All Topics)

1.Chemical Bonding

2.Coordination Compounds

3.Main Group Elements

4.Analytical Chemistry

5.Mass & IR Spectroscopy

6.UV VIS Spectroscopy

7.NMR Spectroscopy

Physical Chemistry Lectures for GATE(All Topics)

1.Surface Chemistry

2.Solid State

3.Gaseous State


5.Group Theory

GATE Physical Chemistry TopicsDownload Link
General Physical ChemistryDownload Now
Chemical KineticsDownload Now
Surface ChemistryDownload Now
Group TheoryDownload Now
Phase EquilibriumDownload Now
ElectrochemistryDownload Now
Solid StateDownload Now
Gaseous StateDownload Now
Chemical ThermodynamicsDownload Now
Quantum ChemistryDownload Now
Physical SpectroscopyDownload Now
Statistical ThermodynamicsDownload Now

GATE Inorganic Chemistry TopicsDownload Link
Chemical BondingDownload Now
Coordination CompoundsDownload Now
F Block ElementsDownload Now
Organometallic CompoundsDownload Now
Acid Base ChemistryDownload Now
Bioinorganic ChemistryDownload Now
Inorganic SpectroscopyDownload Now
Main Block ElementsDownload Now
Nuclear ChemistryDownload Now

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